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Measure Success of Marketing & Promotional Campaigns 

Enhance campaign measurement with A/B Testing

Spanning from experiment design to uplift measurement. Assess key metrics, analyze variations, and optimize strategies for data-driven decisions, ensuring effective outcomes


More About the Problem

In a world where resources and investments are limited, accurately measuring campaign success is crucial. Creating experiments that truly reflect customer behaviour, testing hypotheses accurately, and calculating uplift with statistical precision are essential for gaining valuable insights.

Traditional methods may struggle with these nuances, leaving marketers dealing with uncertainties and potentially missing optimization chances. This underscores the importance of a nuanced and data-driven approach to ensure accurate assessments and maximize the impact of marketing endeavours.

The Approach

Making it Happen

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Any robust analytical approach comprises of the following critical components:

Experiment Design: Involved creation of two randomized groups - the control group, experiencing standard conditions, and the experimental group, encountering campaign variations


A/B Uplift Calculation: Statistical methods assess if observed metric differences between experimental and control groups are statistically significant

Pre Post Analysis
: Complimenting A/B Testing, this involves comparing key metrics before and after the campaign, unveiling overall trends and external factors influencing outcomes

Deploying a unified tool as a singular source of truth is crucial. It should seamlessly integrate throughout the campaign lifestyle, ensuring a consistent approach and preventing conflicting experiments. Strategic use of factorial design allows simultaneous testing of multiple variables. Deep-dive analysis, considering features like gender and location, empowers business stakeholders in decision-making for experiment rollouts. This approach streamlines the process, fostering precision and valuable insights for informed business decisions.

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We revolutionized online retailer's campaign measurement by building a data-driven framework that now serves as the company's  single source of truth. This powerhouse tool analyzes over 200 experiments each year, cutting through individual biasis in measurement and hence driving significant conversion rate gains through growth hack experiments across the customer journey.


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